I spent my first day exploring Santiago, starting with a visit to a cozy local coffee shop. While there, I struck up a conversation with some friendly locals who recommended a trip to Valparaíso, a small yet vibrant port city. Chile is known for its narrow geography, and in just two hours by bus, you can cross to the opposite side of the country.
After doing some research, I’ve decided to brave it and spend Monday and Tuesday in Valparaíso. The city is renowned for its colorful streets, artistic vibe, and lively atmosphere—definitely worth the visit!
This plan will leave me with two full days to explore Santiago further.
For lunch, I played it safe with a Chilean hot dog. Later, I enjoyed a leisurely walk through the park and wrapped up the day with a large pizza for dinner.
Tomorrow’s priority: getting cash for transport to ensure a smooth start to my Valparaíso adventure.